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prettyglm is an R package which provides a set of functions which create beautiful coefficient summaries of generalised linear models.


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A Simple Example

To explore the functionality of prettyglm we will use a data set sourced from kaggle. To learn more about each of the provided functions please read the articles.


A critical step for this package to work well is to set all categorical predictors as factors.


# Easiest way to convert multiple columns to a factor.
columns_to_factor <- c('job',
bank_data  <- bank_data  %>%
  dplyr::filter(loan != 'unknown') %>% 
  dplyr::filter(default != 'yes') %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(age = as.numeric(age)) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate_at(columns_to_factor, list(~factor(.))) %>% # multiple columns to factor
  dplyr::mutate(T_DEPOSIT = as.factor(base::ifelse(y=='yes',1,0))) #convert target to 0 and 1 for performance plots

Building a glm

For this example we will build a glm using stats::glm(), however prettyglm is working to support parsnip and workflow model objects which use the glm model engine.

deposit_model <- stats::glm(T_DEPOSIT ~ marital +
                                        default:loan +
                                        loan +
                             data = bank_data,
                             family = binomial)

Table of model coefficients

pretty_coefficients() creates a neat table of the model coefficients, see vignette("creating_pretty_coefficients").

pretty_coefficients(deposit_model, type_iii = 'Wald')

Create plots of the model coefficients

pretty_relativities() creates beautiful plots of model coefficients, see vignette("simple_pretty_relativities") and vignette("interaction_pretty_relativities") to get started.


pretty_relativities(feature_to_plot = 'marital',
                    model_object = deposit_model)


pretty_relativities(feature_to_plot = 'age',
                    model_object = deposit_model)


pretty_relativities(feature_to_plot = 'default:loan',
                    model_object = deposit_model,
                    iteractionplottype = 'colour',
                    facetorcolourby = 'loan')

Visualising one-way model performance

one_way_ave() creates one-way model performance plots, see vignette("onewayave") to get started.


one_way_ave(feature_to_plot = 'age',
            model_object = deposit_model,
            target_variable = 'T_DEPOSIT',
            data_set = bank_data)


one_way_ave(feature_to_plot = 'education',
            model_object = deposit_model,
            target_variable = 'T_DEPOSIT',
            data_set = bank_data)

Visualising overall actual vs expected bucketed

actual_expected_bucketed() creates actual vs expected performance plots by predicted band, see vignette("visualisingoverallave") to get started.

actual_expected_bucketed(target_variable = 'T_DEPOSIT',
                         model_object = deposit_model)

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